Terms of use

The olympitisapartments.gr website provides its services to its visitors once the following Terms of Use have been accepted. Please, read carefully.

Online contact

When you are visiting olympitisapartments.gr or send e-mails, you are contacting it online. Subsequently, you agree that, in turn, olympitisapartments.gr has the right to contact you online as well. You agree in advance that online e-mails and information conveyed through those e-mails, meet the legal requirements and regulations in strength regarding the exchange of such mails in written e-form.

Intellectual rights

The entire content of olympitisapartments.gr such as, indicatively albeit not bindingly, texts, graphics, commercial logos, images (irrespective of characteristics), digital files, and software are the exclusive property of the olympitisapartments.gr website or of the content’s providers who collaborate with the website. It is protected by Greek and International laws governing the protection of intellectual rights. Indirect use of the website and its contents to benefit any other enterprise, commercial or otherwise, without the written consent of Olympitis apartments™ is forbidden.

License to use and access the website

The Olympitis apartments™ provides limited license to access and use the olympitisapartments.gr website for contact with the company. Visitors to olympitisapartments.gr retain a limited, recallable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink with the homepage of olympitisapartments.gr on an online site they own, provided that said hyperlink does not describe Olympitis apartments™ or its services in a fraudulent, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise unpleasant manner. Any inappropriate use of the website signals the cessation of use or access ceded by the Olympitis apartments™.

Limited responsibility stemming from website use

The olympitisapartments.gr website is provided by the Olympitis apartments™ “AS IS” and “AS IS AVAILABLE”. olympitisapartments.gr makes no representation or authorization in any form, be it explicit or implicit, of the information, content, and material the website contains. To that purpose, users of the website agree to use it at their own responsibility. The Olympitis apartments™ does not guarantee that the olympitisapartments.gr website, its servers, or the e-mails sent by olympitisapartments.gr, are free of viruses or any other damaging elements.

The Olympitis apartments™ bears no responsibility for damage of any kind that may ensue from using the website including but not limited to direct, indirect, accidental, coincidental, or ensuing damage.


The Olympitis apartments™ retains the right to make any changes it wishes to its olympitisapartments.gr website, its commercial policy, and its Terms of Use at any time it deems such changes necessary.

Applicable law – disputes

Visitors to the olympitisapartments.gr website agree automatically that the specific Terms of Use are subject to Greek state legislation governing any disputes that may ensue between users and the olympitisapartments.gr website and, subsequently, between them and the Olympitis apartments™. Every effort will be exerted initially to settle out of court any dispute related in any manner to the use of the olympitisapartments.gr website and/or the services provided through it. Should any such settlement cannot be resolved in that manner, disputes and relevant issues will be resolved before the competent Courts of Athens.